Bring Wings to your Backyard!

Tropical Butterfly Conservatory
Coming in 2025 Tropical Butterfly Conservatory! You will be able to walk through a tropical garden with thousand of butterflies flying from all around the World!
Shop for host plants by butterfly family here!
Blue Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Polyommatinae: Blue butterflies The adults are small in size with eyes...
Branded Skipper Butterflies and their Host Plants
Aaron's Skipper "Planes Aaroni" Arogos Skipper "Atrytone Arogos" Baracoa Skipper "Polites Baracoa"...
Brushfooted Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Limenitidinae: Admiral A simpler view has long been that the wing-bands...
Duskywing Skipper Butterflies and their host plants
Horace's Duskywings " Erynnis Horatius" Checkered Skipper " Pyrgus Communis" Juneval's...
Giant Skipper Butterflies and their Host Plants
Cofaqui Giant Skipper "Megathymus Cofaqui" Yucca Giant Skipper "Megathymus Yuccae"
Hackberry Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Apaturinae: Hackbery Butterflies The adults: are medium sized with eyes clear...
Hairstreak Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Theclinae: Hairstreaks Like the blues, hairstreaks are an artificial assemblage of...
Longwing Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Heliconiinae: Longwings and Fritillaries Most species display bright bands of color...
Metalmark Butterfly and its Host Plants
Little Metalmark "Calephelis Virginiensis"
Milkweed Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Danaiinae: Milkweed Butterflies All milkweed butterflies lack scales on their antennae....
Moths and their Host Plants
Several species of Moths are spectacular to see like many of our...
Nymphs and Satyr Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Satyrinae: Satyr and Wood Nymphs butterflies The adults are small to...
Swallowtail Butterflies and their Host Plants
Swallowtail butterfly subfamily papilioninae: Swallowtail, kites, and birdwings. Swallowtail butterflies are very...
Sulphur Butterflies and their Host Plants
Subfamily Coliadinea: Sulphur, Yellows, and Oranges Some 300 coliadines occur around the...
Spread Winged Skipper Butterflies and their Host Plants
Superfamily Hesperioidea, family Hesperiidae: Skippers These have broad, squared-off wings often held...
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Florida Native Plants
We care a collection of close to 100 specie of Florida Native plants!
Wild Bird plants
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Bee plants
We have amazing collection of bee polinator plant!