
Phaon Crescent Butterfly and their Host plants
Phaon Crescent Butterfly " Phyciodes Phaon" from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspan: up to 1" The Phaon Crescent butterfly is a small orange butterfly with black borders and lines on the...
Phaon Crescent Butterfly and their Host plants
Phaon Crescent Butterfly " Phyciodes Phaon" from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspan: up to 1" The Phaon Crescent butterfly is a small orange butterfly with black borders and lines on the...

White Peacock Butterfly and their Host Plants
White Peacock " Inartia Jatrophae " from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspan: up to 2 1/4" The White Peacock butterfly is a white butterfly with dark lines and orange shading....
White Peacock Butterfly and their Host Plants
White Peacock " Inartia Jatrophae " from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspan: up to 2 1/4" The White Peacock butterfly is a white butterfly with dark lines and orange shading....

Cassius Blue Butterfly and their Host plants
Cassius Blue " Leptons Cassius" from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspans: up to 1" The Cassius Blue is a small blue butterfly with two eyespots on the hindwing. The underside...
Cassius Blue Butterfly and their Host plants
Cassius Blue " Leptons Cassius" from Eden of Wings, Nursery Wingspans: up to 1" The Cassius Blue is a small blue butterfly with two eyespots on the hindwing. The underside...

Florida Atala and their Host Plants
Florida Atala " Eumaeus" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspans: up to 1 3/4" The Atala is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the World. Males are black with...
Florida Atala and their Host Plants
Florida Atala " Eumaeus" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspans: up to 1 3/4" The Atala is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the World. Males are black with...

Palamedes Swallowtail and their Host Plants
Palamedes Swallowtail " Papilio Palamedes" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspans: up to 4 1/4" The Palamedes Swallowtail also known as Laurel Swallowtail is a very dark brown butterfly with...
Palamedes Swallowtail and their Host Plants
Palamedes Swallowtail " Papilio Palamedes" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspans: up to 4 1/4" The Palamedes Swallowtail also known as Laurel Swallowtail is a very dark brown butterfly with...

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly and their Host plants
Agraulis Vanilla "Gulf Fritillary Butterfly" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspan: 3" to 3.5 in. Wings relatively long, tips drawn out and rounded. Brilliant fiery orange above with fritillary like...
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly and their Host plants
Agraulis Vanilla "Gulf Fritillary Butterfly" from Eden of Wings Nursery Wingspan: 3" to 3.5 in. Wings relatively long, tips drawn out and rounded. Brilliant fiery orange above with fritillary like...