Passiflora Incarnata " Florida Native"
Passiflora Incarnata " Florida Native"
Passiflora Incarnata " Florida Native" host plant
Butterfly host plant for Gulf Fritillary ( Agraulis Vanillae),Zebra Heliconian (Heliconius Charitonius) and Variegated Fritillary ( Euptoieta Claudia)
Pot Size: 3 Gallon
Height: 18" to 36"
Facts about Passiflora Incarnata host plant:
* Description: Maypop " Purple passionflower" is a high-climbing, aggressive vine with 3-lobed leaves 3"-4" wide. The showy, fragrant flowers are 2 1/2"-3 1/4" wide, with pink to pale purple sepals and petals. The ovoid, yellowish green fruits are 2"-2 1/2" wide.
* Bloom Season: March- October
* Habitat/Range: Variety of habitats throughout the eastern United States for the purple passion flower.
* Family: Passifloraceae
* Zones: 5 to 10
* Height: 6' to 12'
* Sun: Full sun
* Water: Medium