Florida Atala " Eumaeus" from Eden of Wings Nursery
Wingspans: up to 1 3/4"
The Atala is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the World. Males are black with metallic green above. Females are black and blue on the upper wings. The undersides of the wings are black with metallic blue spots and a red patch near the abdomen. The abdomen is bright red.
Larva: The caterpillar is bright red with two rows of lemon yellow spots on the back.
Pupa: The pupa is brown with small dark spots.
If you are looking for the host plant for the Atala butterfly, our Nursery Eden of Wings carries this plant year-round and you can also order them on our website: www.edenofwings.com
What are the Host plants for the Atala Butterfly?
* Coontie " Zamia Pumila"