
Difference between Spicebush, Pipevine and Black Swallowtail

Difference between Spicebush, Pipevine and Blac...

Pipevine Swallowtail " Battus Philenor"  4 in. long, narrow black wings, dorsal coal-black (male) to dark slate (female), glazed and shot with brilliant metallic blue. Mela with a dorsal submarginal...

Difference between Spicebush, Pipevine and Blac...

Pipevine Swallowtail " Battus Philenor"  4 in. long, narrow black wings, dorsal coal-black (male) to dark slate (female), glazed and shot with brilliant metallic blue. Mela with a dorsal submarginal...

Butterfly looking for shelter before the rain @ Eden of Wings, FL garden

Butterfly Shelter Requirements

Adult butterflies use mature foliage for protection from inclement weather, predators, or merely to rest. Therefore, shelter requierements are generally met once the butterfly garden begins to come established with...

Butterfly Shelter Requirements

Adult butterflies use mature foliage for protection from inclement weather, predators, or merely to rest. Therefore, shelter requierements are generally met once the butterfly garden begins to come established with...

Butterflies and Native Plants

Butterflies and Native Plants

Backyard butterfly gardening is a rewarding endeavor as well a valuable contribution everyone can make to the health of the environment and the native butterfly population. Attracting butterflies to your...

Butterflies and Native Plants

Backyard butterfly gardening is a rewarding endeavor as well a valuable contribution everyone can make to the health of the environment and the native butterfly population. Attracting butterflies to your...

Butterfly Host Plants and Metamorphosis

Butterfly Host Plants and Metamorphosis

Butterfly Host Plant and Metamorphosis Baby butterflies. also know as caterpillars, eat plant leaves and tender new growth until they are sufficiently mature to form a chrysalis and metamorphize into...

Butterfly Host Plants and Metamorphosis

Butterfly Host Plant and Metamorphosis Baby butterflies. also know as caterpillars, eat plant leaves and tender new growth until they are sufficiently mature to form a chrysalis and metamorphize into...

Butterfly Garden Requirements

Butterfly Garden Requirements

Butterfly Garden Requirements A butterfly requires two different types of plants in order to complete its life cycle. Flying adult butterflies drink flower nectar and their crawling offspring chew on...

Butterfly Garden Requirements

Butterfly Garden Requirements A butterfly requires two different types of plants in order to complete its life cycle. Flying adult butterflies drink flower nectar and their crawling offspring chew on...