Quercus Germinate " Sand Live Oak"
Quercus Germinate " Sand Live Oak"
Quercus Germinate " Sand Live Oak" host plant
Did you know that 521 insects use Oak trees as their host plant?
Butterfly host plant for Banded Hairstreak ( Satyrium Calanus),Southern Hairstreak (Satyrium Favonius), White-M Hairstreak ( Parrhasius m Album), Horace's Duskywing ( Erynnis Horatius), Juvenal's Duskywing ( Erynnis Juvenalis), Sleepy Duskywing ( Erynnis Brizo), Zarucco Duskywing ( Erynnis Zarucco)
Pot Side: 1 gallon
Height: 10" to 18"
Facts about Quercus Germinate (sand live oak) host plant:
This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT host tree for so many butterfly! It's a must to have! Leaves of this tree is alternate, simple, entire, thick, leathery, coarsely veined, around 5" long, dark green above, dull gray beneath, margins extremely revolute, making an upside-down leaf take on the appearance of an elongated bowl; petioles densely pubescent. Fruit: Acorn around 3/4" long , borne in a tapering cup. The distribution of this tree are deep inland sands, dune, sand pine-oak scrub, coastal hammocks.
* Family: Fagaceae
* Zones: 8 to 10
* Height: 40 to 80 feet
* Bloom Time: March to April
* Sun: Full sun
* Water: Medium to wet