Asclepias perennis " Snowy Aquatic Milkweed"
Asclepias perennis " Snowy Aquatic Milkweed"
Asclepias perennis " Snowy Aquatic Milkweed" host plant
Butterfly host plant for Monarch ( Danaus Plexippus), Queen ( Danaus Gilippus) and Soldier ( Danaus Eresimus)
Pot Size: 1 Gallon
Height: 6" to 12"
Aquatic Milkweed host plant reaches 12"-24" tall, with narrowly elliptic, opposite leaves that measure 3"-5" long and 1/2" wide. The stem is purplish, with flat panicles of small, white flowers. Unopened buds have a prominent pink spot on the top center.
* Bloom Season: May- September
* Habitat: Floodplains, marshes, and road side ditches of the United States, south in Florida to Lake Okeechobee.
* Family: Apocynaceae
* Zones: 3 to 9
* Sun: Full sun
* Water: Medium to wet