Birds and Butterflies, Keep them around! from Eden of Wings

Birds and Butterflies, Keep them around! from Eden of Wings

Birds and Butterflies, Keep them around! from Eden of Wings

Butterflies and birds bring your landscape to life when they fly into your yard. Just imagine spotting a finch, like the ones in the picture, through the kitchen window in quit of winter. Winged visitors aren't just attracted to the plants you choose for your garden, though. Bird feeders and birdbaths, like the ones in the photo, encourage birds and butterflies to stay longer. Plus, these features double as pretty ornaments that accentuate your garden's style. Tuck in a chair, for hours of enjoyment. Bird and butterfly watching is a relaxing pastime. Gardening for birds and butterflies allows you to observe and protect their special qualities.

Save yourself a spot in the garden where you can watch without disturbing visiting birds and butterflies.

Birds prefer to feel sheltered at multiple levels, just like they would in the wild, so plant perennials, shrubs and trees of all height. The presence of several different birds species is an indicator of good garden variety!

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