If you want to attract swallowtail butterfly to your garden, YOU NEED to provide the right host plants for their caterpillars and nectar plants for adult.
You will be able to find these host plants at our nursery "Eden of Wings, FL" or online www.edenofwings.com
1. Black Swallowtail Butterfly:
* Most common Host plants: Dill, Curly Parsley, Fennel, Rue
* Celery family host plants list: American wild carrot, Button rattlesnake master, Mock Bishop's weed, water cowbane, golden Alexanders,
2. Giant Swallowtail Butterfly:
* Citrus family Host plants list: Citrus trees, Hoptree, Prickly Ash, Hercule's Club, Lime Prickly Ash
3. Palamedes and Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly:
* Laurel family Host plants for both of them: Spicebush, Red Bay, Silk Bay, Swamp Bay, Sassafras
4. Pipevine and Polydamas Swallowtail butterfly:
* Birthwort family host plants for both of them: Virginia snakeroot, Woolly Dutchman's pipe, White Veined Dutchman's pipe
5. Tiger swallowtail Butterfly:
Magnolia family host plants list: Tulip tree, Southern Magnolia, Sweetbay, Green Ash, Cottonwood, Wild Cherry, White Ash, Hoptree,
6. Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly:
Custard apple family host plants list: Pond Apple, Asimina Obovata, Asimina Triloba, Asimina Parviflora, Asimina Pygmee