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Eden of Wings

Passifloa Suberosa " Corkystem Passion vine"

Passifloa Suberosa " Corkystem Passion vine"

Regular price $12.50 USD
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Passifloa Suberosa " Corkystem Passion vine"

Butterfly host plant for Gulf Fritillary ( Agraulis Vanillae), Julia Heliconian (Dryas Iulia), Zebra Heliconian (Heliconius Charitonius)

Pot Size: 1 Gallon

Height: 6" to 12" 


Facts about Passiflora Suberosa:

Description: This small vine has corky outgrowths on mature stems and climbs by tendrils. The alternate leaves vary in size and shape, ranging from 3/8"-4" long and are linear, lanceolate, or variously lobed. The flowers are about 1/2" wide.

Bloom Season: All year

Habitat/Range: Hammocks, pinelands, and coastal strand Florida and the neotropics.

 Family: Passifloraceae

Zones: 9 to 10

Height: Up to 15'

Bloom Time: January to December

Sun: Full sun to Part Shade

Water: Dry to Moist

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