Canna flaccida "Yellow Canna"
Canna flaccida "Yellow Canna"
Canna Flaccida "Yellow Canna" host plant
Butterfly host plant for Canna Skipper ( Calpodes ethlius)
Pot Size: 1 Gallon
Height: 8" to 12"
Facts about Canna Flaccida host plant:
* Description: Lovely yellow and fragrant flower with a tropical looking bright green foliage. The broadly lanceolate leaves of this succulent, herbaceous species range from 8"-24" long and 3"-6" wide, alternating along a fleshy 2'-4' stem. the showy, symmetric flowers are short lived. The fruits are 3 parted capsules, 1"-2" wide, with hard black seeds.
* Bloom Season: March-November
* Habitat/Range: Freshwater wetlands from South Caroline through mainland Florida.
* Family: Canaceae
* Zones: 8 to 10
* Height: 2'-4'
* Sun: Full sun to partial shade
* Water: Medium to wet