Asclepias Incarnata " Swamp Milkweed"
Asclepias Incarnata " Swamp Milkweed"
Asclepias Incarnata " Swamp Milkweed" host plant
Butterfly host plant for Monarch ( Danaus Plexippus), Queen ( Danaus Gilippus) and Soldier ( Danaus Eresimus)
Pot Size: 1 Gallon
Height: 6" to 12"
Facts about Asclepias Incarnata host plant:
* Description: Also known as the Rose milkweed, Rose milkflower, Swamp silkweed, or White Indian hemp. This erect, usually multi-stemmed species averages 2'-3' tall, with opposite, lanceolate leaves that reach 6" long and 1 1/2" wide. Small, pink to mauve flowers are in very attractive, compact arrangements. Seeds are attached to tufts of white fiber and are dispersed by wind.
* Bloom Season: June-August
* Habitat/Range: Freshwater wetlands of the United States.
* Family: Apocynaceae
* Zones: 3 to 9
* Height: 3 to 4 feet
* Sun: Full sun
* Water: Medium to wet