Annona Glabra " Pond Apple"
Annona Glabra " Pond Apple"
Annona Glabra " Pond Apple" host plant
Butterfly host plant for Zebra Swallowtail ( Eurytides Marcellus)
Pot Size: 1 Gallon
Height: 10" to 18"
Facts about Annona Glabra host plant:
Also known as Alligator apple, Swamp apple, Corkwood, Bobwood, and Monkey apple. Pond apple tree is an important host plant for the zebra swallowtail butterfly. Leaves are alternate, simple, entire, two-ranked, shiny green, leathery, apices pointed, blade often reflexed upward I the shape of a "V" from central axis. Flowers: Borne hanging on short stalks, with six cream white to pale yellow petals in two sides, outermost petals around 3/4" long, opening from a distinctive triangular bud, (Bloom time)typically appearing March to August. Fruit: Edible, large 5" long, egg or head shaped, pale yellow with brown spots. Distribution: banks of freshwater pond and streams and wet lands.
* Family: Anonaceae
* Zones: 9 to 11
* Height: 15 to 30 feet
* Sun: Full sun
* Water: keep Moist